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Famous spot for autumn leaves in Rakuto [Shinnyodo]

Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple is a temple of the Tendai sect, and its official name is [Shinsho Gokuraku-ji Temple]. Founded in 984 (Eikan 2). It is also known as a famous place for autumn leaves. Shinsho Gokuraku-ji Temple was named with the meaning that "this place is a genuine sacred place of paradise", and "Shinnyodo" representing the main hall became established as a common name. The statue of Amida Nyorai, the principal object of worship, is a Buddha that saves women, and is also known by the common people as "Nodding Amida".


Autumn leaves season information

  • Best time to see/usually mid-November to early December
    Hours: Same as regular admission
    Entrance fee: 1000 yen from November 1 (Fri.) to December 8 (Sun.), 2024 *Normal entrance fee is 500 yen outside of the periods listed on the left.


  • Shinnyodo
  • 82 Shinnyo-cho, Jodoji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
  • 6 min. walk from "Shinnyodo-mae" city bus stop.
  • Tel.075-771-0915
  • Parking available
    *Entry and parking of general tourist vehicles is prohibited during the autumn foliage season.

  • https://shin-nyo-do.jp/

  • [Normal visit]
    Visiting hours: 9:00-16:00 (reception closes at 15:45)
    Admission fee: 500 yen for adults, 400 yen for junior high school students, free for elementary school students and younger
    * Free for those with a disability certificate. Please present your disability certificate.
*Please note that the information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
*Since this site uses automatic translation, the translation may differ from the original Japanese content.


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