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Kodaiji Temple

Animator and AR picture book artist KYOTSUBE will also exhibit his adorable Hyakki Yagyozu (Night Parade of One Hundred Demons) drawings and AR works. ⓒkyotsube

Enjoy the world of youkai and ghosts "Hyakki Yakou Exhibition" / Kodaiji Temple

Saturday, July 15, 2023 - Thursday, August 31, 2023
9:00-18:30 (last admission at 18:00)
From August 1st (Wednesday) to 18th (Friday) until 22:00 (last entry at 21:30)
Kodaiji Temple

The "Night Parade of One Hundred Demons" exhibition, a summer exhibition at Kodaiji Temple, began in 2006 and is now in its 18th year.
[To the south of Kodaiji Temple is the area of Toribeno, one of the three major burial grounds in Kyoto, where many anecdotes about ghosts and goblins remain. The exhibition will feature works from the temple's collection, such as "Hyakki Yagyo Emaki" and "Rikudouzu" written at a time when there was thought to be an entrance to the underworld, or the dividing line between the afterlife and the real world, and "Enma" by Kawanabe Kyosai. In addition, AR picture books by Kyotsube, an AR picture book artist, will be exhibited, and during the summer special nighttime viewing period, the Kodaiji garden will be lit up and summer projection mapping will be performed in the Hashinniwa garden in front of the Hojo. This is a great opportunity for parents and children of three generations to enjoy the temple.

Hyakki Yako Exhibition

  • Hyakkiya Koten
  • Kodaiji Temple
  • Saturday, July 15, 2023 - Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:00 - 18:30 (last admission/18:00)
    From August 1st (Wednesday) to 18th (Friday) until 22:00 (last entry at 21:30)
  • July 23 (Sun.) and August 10 (Thu.) are exhibition exclusion days.
  • Adults 600 yen, Junior high and high school students 250 yen (no separate fee for special exhibitions)
  • 526 Shimogawara-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
  • 4-minute walk from the bus stop "Higashiyama Yasui"
  • Tel.075-561-9966
  • https://www.kodaiji.com/topic/207.html
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