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Talk event in Kyoto featuring kabuki actor Shoya Ichikawa / Shirasamura-so, Hashimoto Sekiyuki Memorial Museum

Sunday, June 09, 2024
Scheduled for 18:30-19:45 (doors open/18:00)
Shirasamura-so Hashimoto Sekisetsu Memorial Museum (Museum 2F)

On June 9, 2024 (Sun.), a talk event "The 1st Hanamidokai Business Trip Seminar in Kyoto: When the role and the heart overlap," will be held at the Shirasamura-so Hashimoto Sekiyuki Memorial Hall (Sakyo-ku, Kyoto) to bring Kabuki closer to the audience. Kabuki actor Shoya Ichikawa's moment of brilliance" will be held at the Shirasamura-so Hashimoto Sekiyuki Memorial Hall in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.
Organized by the Hanamidokai, a volunteer group of Kabuki enthusiasts, this is a superb talk event that is said to be "the closest seminar between Kabuki actors and visitors. Usually held at the Kabuki-za Theater in Tokyo, this is the first time it will be held in Kyoto. Kabuki actor Shoya Ichikawa, a student of En'o Ichikawa II who will appear in the Super Kabuki "Yamatotakeru" at the Osaka Shochikuza Theater in June, will be the guest speaker, and the event will feature rarely heard topics such as artistic and backstage talk.
Even if you have never been exposed to Kabuki, this is a great opportunity to visit.

Organizer/Kadokai (Traditional Culture Exchange Association)
Support / Classics Day Promotion Committee
Special Cooperation / Zohiko Co.

The 1st Hanadokai Business Trip Seminar in Kyoto "When the role and the heart overlap. Kabuki Actor Shoya Ichikawa, A Moment of Brilliance"

  • The 1st Hana-Michi Kaikai Shukyo Seminar in Kyoto "When Oyaku and Kokoro are Overlapped. Kabuki-hayu Ichikawae-miyajyo, Kagayaki no toki no toki."
  • Shirasamura-so Hashimoto Sekisetsu Memorial Museum (Museum 2F)
  • Sunday, June 09, 2024, 18:30-19:45 scheduled (doors open/18:00)
  • Fee: General 4,000 yen (includes admission to Hakusamura-so Hashimoto Sekisetsu Memorial Museum)
  • 37 Ishibashi-cho, Jodo-ji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
  • 2 minutes walk from bus stop "Ginkakuji-mae".
    5 minutes walk from Ginkakujimichi bus stop
  • No parking
  • https://hanamichikai.jp/
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